Getting Started with Corona Surface Treatment
This free eBook shares expert insights from Surface Treating Experts.
Discover how Converters & Extruders use Corona Treating to Improve Adhesion
Corona treating improves a film’s receptiveness to inks, coatings, and adhesives. In this informative eBook, you’ll find insights on how corona treating works, application examples and considerations when specifying corona treaters.
- Learn why corona treatment is used to improve adhesion on all types of films.
- Discover how the corona treatment process improves adhesion of inks, coatings, adhesives, laminates and more.
- Gain an understanding of the benefits of ceramic electrodes, metal electrodes and segmented electrodes.
- Find out how your corona treater’s roll covering impacts your ability to treat successfully.
- Browse videos, illustrations, images and links to help your team understand the corona treatment process.
See what Enercon customers are saying:
“Enercon taught us everything we know about corona treating. We couldn’t have asked
for anything more.”
Chad Weikert, COO Golden Eagle Extrusions, Inc.
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